The four new micro E-mini stock index futures contracts at CME Group that begin trading on Sunday, May 5 at 5 pm (Central) for trade date May 6 look to be an immediate hit based on astrology. The contracts include Micro E-mini S&P 500 (MES), Micro E-mini Nasdaq-100 (MNQ), Micro E-mini Russell 2000 (M2K) and Micro E-mini Dow (MYM). Each contract is 1/10 the size of its larger E-mini counterpart.
First, the Micro E-minis are launching less than 24 hours after the New Moon in Taurus (A in Chart 1). The New Moon is always a great time for new beginnings, and Taurus is the sign ruled by money planet Venus. Taurus also represents that the launch focuses on providing solid, stable contracts. Conventional wisdom holds that the results of New Moon beginnings will be seen two weeks later at the Full Moon, so we should have a good handle on their reception and participation by the end of trading on Friday, May 17, the day before the next Full Moon.
Second, the three planets that are focused on trading, stock indexes and good fortune—Mercury, Venus and Jupiter—are connected at the time of launch in a way that easily supports success (B in Chart 1). Mercury in Aries signifies aggressive action in trading and stock indexes. Venus in Aries supports going after what you want, particularly as it concerns money. Jupiter in Sagittarius says the contracts will attract massive global participation; that Jupiter is “re”trograde also is apt given the contracts are a “re”work of previous contracts.
Chart 1–Micro E-mini Stock Index Futures Launch at New Moon

A third astrological factor of note is that Sunday, May 5 is what I call a “Gann Day,” one of 10 each year that legendary trader W.D. Gann watched for a change in trend. This one marks the midpoint between the spring equinox and summer solstice. In 2018, the S&P 500 made the high for the year (and all-time high) at the fall equinox and made its bottom for the year at the winter solstice. This year, the S&P 500 made an interim top at the spring equinox (Chart 2).
Chart 2–Market Turns Near Gann Days in 2018-2019

Connected to S&P 500 Index Moon
Finally, and most significant for MES, the Micro E-mini’s first-trade Venus is just two degrees away from where the Moon was when the S&P 500 index was launched on March 4, 1957 (Chart 3). I consider the S&P 500 index the “mother” chart of the U.S. stock market because its Moon—the fastest moving of all the planets and most sensitive—makes strong connections within just a few degrees of planets in 11 important horoscope charts across 243 years, including:
- U.S. Declaration of Independence—1776
- NYSE Buttonwood start—1792
- NYSE Constitution—1817
- Dow Jones Industrial Average launch—1896
- SEC formation—1934
- Vanguard 500 mutual fund launch—1976
- S&P 500 futures launch—1982
- S&P 500 options on futures launch—1983
- S&P 500 SPDR ETF launch—1993
- E-mini S&P 500 futures launch—1997
- Micro E-mini S&P 500 futures launch—2019
In research about the S&P 500 for my book, “Trading In Sync With Commodities—Introducing Astrology To Your Financial Toolbox,” I discovered that the S&P 500 Index Moon was activated in 10 out of 19 significant market lows I examined since the futures contract opened in 1982. Interestingly, the Sun is opposite the S&P 500 Moon in October every year, which may be part of the reason why eight of these 19 lows have occurred in that month.
Thus, the new Micro E-mini S&P 500 falls right in line astrologically with the family of important events in U.S. stock index history that are sensitive to transits to the Moon of the underlying S&P 500 index.
Chart 3–MES Venus Conjunct S&P 500 Index Moon

All information in this post is merely the personal opinion of the author and not that of any other person, company or entity. This information is not to be construed as financial advice, nor relied upon as such. Please contact your broker or financial advisor for trading and investment advice. Past results are not necessarily indicative of future market behavior.
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