May 2020 Red Letter Trading Days newsletter. (All times Eastern)
This month’s big astrological news is that three planets associated with the economy and money—Venus, Jupiter and Saturn—all turn retrograde in motion the week of May 11. This dramatic shift in energy over just four days, likely puts incredible pressure on both the stock market and the economy for several months. Saturn turns first, on May 11, and is also the last one to return to direct motion, on September 28. Venus retrograde begins on May 13, with Jupiter on May 14.
I consider this month’s Top Red Letter Trading Day, May 13, to be the last gasp for the market’s dead-cat bounce from the March 23 lows, based on the transiting planets’ connections to the S&P 500 natal horoscope. Indeed, this is the last time until after the November presidential election that the planets line up with the S&P 500 natal horoscope in a way that suggests highs. However, the timeframe for a potential S&P 500 high could extend to Monday, May 18 when the Sun and Jupiter are in a strong, positive connection in the sky.
Venus, Jupiter Retrogrades Pressure Stocks
Venus, the planet that rules money, turns retrograde on May 13. Jupiter, the planet that expands what it touches, follows suit the next day, May 14. The stock market tends to decline when both are retrograde at the same time. This year, that overlap is from May 14-June 24, a total of 41 days.
This is the 14th time in the last 50 years that Venus and Jupiter are retrograde at the same time. In the previous 13 instances—ranging from 1 day of overlap to 41 days of overlap—the S&P 500 was higher by less than 1% (2010 over 41 days) to lower by 11.28% (1986 over 23 days).
Most overlap periods saw downmoves of 3% to 6%, which used to be a big move, but now can happen in a single day. Still, the general idea is that the stock market is under pressure when both planetary benefics are retrograde and not working up to snuff.
Top Red Letter Trading Day on May 13
The day Venus turns retrograde is this month’s Top Red Letter Trading Day, and not just because it is in the middle of this week’s retrograde turns by Saturn, Venus and Jupiter—three planets closely associated with the economy and money.
On May 13, transiting Mars is exactly conjunct the S&P 500’s natal Mercury at 00 Pisces. This conjunction is one of the strongest indicators of a stock market peak, and Mars makes this connection only once every two years.
This month’s dates of astrological note include:
- May 5 Gann Day (halfway between spring equinox and summer solstice)
- May 5 North Node enters Gemini (housing peak over)
- May 7 Full Moon in Scorpio (spotlight on secrets)
- May 11 Saturn retrograde (review structures)
- May 11 Mercury enters Gemini (communication pace picks up)
- May 13 Mars enters Pisces (actions focus on compassion)
- May 13 Venus retrograde (review finances)
- May 14 Jupiter retrograde (review expansion)
- May 20 Sun enters Gemini
- May 22 New Moon in Gemini (intentions re: communications)
- May 28 Mercury enters Cancer (caring communications)
This month’s dates for potential market trend changes, based on planetary connections to natal first-trade horoscope charts, include:
Crude Oil
- Highs on May 12, May 22
- Lows on May 4, May 27
Euro FX
- Highs on May 15, May 22
- Highs on May 5, May 12, May 20
- High on May 7
- Lows on May 22, May 26
S&P 500
- High on May 13
10-year T-note
- Highs on May 12, May 22
- Low on May 1, May 6
Red Letter Trading Days for May 2020
Friday, May 1—New Ideas
Unique ideas concerning financial matters could be in the news on Friday, May 1. Mercury (planet of communications) is conjunct Uranus (planet of the unexpected) in the sign of Taurus (ruler of financial matters) at 11:41 pm Thursday. Despite their uniqueness, the ideas could have solid roots because of the Taurus influence.
Low in 10-yr. T-note on Friday, May 1—Just two days before the market’s official birthday, three planets are conjunct the first-trade Sun and providing a trifecta of support—the Sun, Mercury and Uranus. In addition, money planet Venus in the sky is in an easy trine to the market’s first-trade Saturn. Planetary price conversion levels are of not much guidance at the moment as June prices are in a no-man’s land between 136-08 and 143-07.
Friday’s reports include:
- Thursday 8:30 pm Japan PMI Manufacturing Index
- 4:30 am Great Britain CIPS/PMI Manufacturing Index
- 10:00 am US ISM Manufacturing Index
Monday, May 4—Dissolving Money
The planet that rules money, Venus, is being bullied by Neptune, the planet with superior dissolving skills, which doesn’t bode well for money matters of all sorts. The pair are exactly square during the overnight trading hours, at 11: 52 pm Sunday. This is the first of three squares between Venus and Neptune, so what is in the news on Monday could be a theme that is revisited at the second matchup, May 20, and resolved at the third on July 27.
On a more uplifting note, the Sun and Mercury are conjunct in Taurus at 5:42 pm Monday, indicating that leaders are espousing solid plans about finances. Even better, brilliant ideas may appear out of the blue while Mercury is in the heart of the Sun from 11:48 am to 11:27 pm. Thus, put special importance on news during this period as well as your own ideas that pop into your head.
Monday’s reports include:
- Sunday 9:45 pm China PMI Manufacturing Index
- 1:00 am India PMI Manufacturing Index
- 4:00 pm US Crop Progress
Tuesday, May 5—Economic Shift
According to one astrologically based economic theory, the U.S. economy clicks one more notch downward on May 5, when the Moon’s North Node enters the sign of Gemini. It just completed a tour of duty in Cancer (since November 2018), which the theory suggests is when the home real estate market peaks.
The McWhirter Theory poses that the U.S. economy peaks when the North Node is in Leo (May 2017—November 2018) and bottoms with the backward-moving North Node in Aquarius (July 2026—March 2028).
Also notable is that May 5 is a “Gann Day,” one of 10 each year that the legendary trader looked at for a “change of trend.” This one marks the halfway point between the spring equinox and summer solstice.
Tuesday’s reports include:
- 12:30 am Australia RBA announcement
- 2:30 am China CPI
- 4:30 am Great Britian CIPS/PMI Services Index
- 8:30 am US International Trade
- 8:30 am Canada Merchandise Trade
Thursday, May 7—Spotlight on Compassion
The two big astrological events for Thursday, May 7 occur within minutes of each other in the early morning. First, Mercury is 60 degrees away from Neptune at 6:42 am, creating the opportunity for solid news to invoke a sense of compassion. Just three minutes later is when the Moon is exactly opposite the Sun for a Full Moon in Scorpio, which sheds light on hidden things.
Thursday’s reports include:
- Wednesday 9:30 pm Australia Merchandise Trade
- 7:00 am Great Britain Bank of England announcement and minutes
- 8:30 am US Jobless Claims
-Monday, May 11—Review Structures
The first of three big planet retrogrades this week that could weigh heavily on the stock market occurs at 12:09 am when Saturn begins to look as if it were moving backward in the sky. Saturn is all about providing structure, so when it is retrograde (this year through September 28), it provides a great time to review structures of all sorts.
Saturn begins its retrograde in Aquarius, the backs up into Capricorn on July 1. Interestingly, Saturn rules both signs, so simply shifts focus a bit on what it can help review. In Aquarius, Saturn retrograde is taking another look at inventive plans; in Capricorn, it’s more about organizational structure that supports those plans.
Also in overnight trading hours, Mercury squares off with Mars at 3:33 am. Mercury in Taurus is sticking to its guns about a message while Mars in Aquarius wants to go off script with its actions.
Monday’s reports include:
- 4:00 pm US Crop Progress
Tuesday, May 12—Good Plans
A bright spot this week is on Tuesday, May 12 after Mercury enters its ruling sign of Gemini at 5:58 pm Monday. Mercury rules communications, trading and stock indexes, and being in its ruling sign indicates smooth going in all those areas when it comes to messaging, inputting trades and accurate information.
Adding to that support is that Mercury makes a 120-degree trine to Saturn at 4:14 pm Tuesday, just after the NYSE close. Saturn just turned retrograde on Monday, and in Aquarius, is reviewing inventive plans. The building trine aspect between Mercury and Saturn throughout the trading day suggests the ability to communicate and understand well any reviews underway; that energy extends into Wednesday as well.
Tuesday’s reports include:
- Monday 9:30 pm China CPI
- 2:00 am Great Britain Monthly GDP
- 8:00 am India CPI
- 8:30 am US CPI
- 12:00 pm US Crop Production
Wednesday, May 13—Review Finances
Wednesday, May 13 is this month’s Top Red Letter Trading Day for two reasons: (1) Venus, the planet that rules money, turns retrograde in motion; and (2) it is hump day for this week’s three retrogrades that include Saturn on Monday and Jupiter on Thursday.
Venus appears to move backward in the sky about every 19 months and remains retrograde for 40 days. Instead of zipping through one zodiac sign every three weeks, when Venus is retrograde, it remains in one sign for about four months. This year, Venus retrograde begins at 2:45 am on Wednesday and lasts through June 25—all in the sign of Gemini. Over the next 40 days, it is prime time to review your finances, your trading plans, your values and your relationships.
Based on the transiting planets’ connections to the S&P 500 natal horoscope, this could be the last gasp for the market’s dead-cat bounce from the March 23 lows. Indeed, this is the last time until after the November presidential election that the planets line up with the S&P 500 natal horoscope in a way that suggests highs. However, the timeframe for a potential S&P 500 high could extend to Monday, May 18 when the Sun and Jupiter are in a strong, positive connection in the sky. Both Tuesday’s high and the April 29 high seemed to find resistance at the planetary price conversion level of 2944. The next two levels higher are 3003 and 3010.
The stock market is sensitive (to the downside) to Venus retrograde periods, and especially so when Jupiter is simultaneously retrograde, which begins on Thursday. More about that in tomorrow’s newsletter.
Also on tap for Wednesday is that Mars enters the sign of Pisces at 12:17 am. Mars likes to move forward with purpose, but in the sign of Pisces is trying to do so underwater. Expect actions of all sorts to slow down and take longer.
Wednesday’s reports include:
- Tuesday 10:00 pm New Zealand RBNZ announcement
- 5:00 am Eurozone Industrial Production
- 8:30 am US PPI-FD
- 10:30 am US EIA Petroleum Status
Thursday, May 14—Planetary Pressure on Stocks
The third economy-oriented planet to turn retrograde this week is Jupiter, which appears to reverse course in the sky at 10:32 am Thursday, May 14. It remains retrograde through September 12. It concludes a whopper of a week of bearish energy shift, with Saturn retrograde on Monday, and Venus retrograde on Wednesday.
While retrograde, all the planets are in review mode, not forward-movement mode. Saturn is reviewing business and government structure. Venus is reviewing finances and how they are reported. Jupiter is reviewing expansion. All three are retrograde for the next six weeks, until Venus turns direct on June 25. Jupiter and Saturn continue their reviews until Jupiter turns direct on September 12. Finally, Saturn is done with its review when it turns direct on September 28. So, we are at the beginning of 4.5 months of economic-sensitive review that is not conducive to stock market or economic support.
Venus, Jupiter Retrogrades Pressure Stocks
Venus and Jupiter will both be retrograde simultaneously from May 14—June 24, a total of 41 days. This is the 14th time in the last 50 years that Venus and Jupiter are retrograde at the same time. In the previous 13 instances—ranging from 1 day of overlap to 41 days of overlap—the S&P 500 was higher by less than 1% (2010 over 41 days) to lower by 11.28% (1986 over 23 days).
Most overlap periods saw downmoves of 3% to 6%, which used to be a big move, but now can happen in a single day. Still, the general idea is that the stock market is under pressure when both planetary benefics are retrograde and not working up to snuff.
Thursday’s reports include:
- Wednesday 9:30 pm Australia Labour Force Survey
- 2:00 am Germany CPI
- 8:30 am US Jobless Claims
Friday, May 15—Big Power
The Sun is cozying up to two huge power planets over the next three days. First up is the Sun trine to Pluto at 2:49 am on Friday, May 15. The second is the Sun trine Jupiter on Sunday, which could affect Monday’s trade the most.
The Sun in Taurus represents leaders who could be either salt-of-the-earth types, or so stubborn as to be unmovable. In a trine aspect (120 degrees apart) to Pluto in Capricorn, it is easy for these types of leaders to support plans to transform business and government.
Friday’s reports include:
- Thursday 10:00 pm China Fixed Asset Investment
- Thursday 10:00 pm China Industrial Production
- Thursday 10:00 pm China Retail Sales
- 2:00 am Germany GDP Flash
- 2:45 am France CPI
- 5:00 am Eurozone GDP Flash
- 5:00 am Italy CPI
- 8:30 am US Retail Sales
- 9:15 am US Industrial Production
Monday, May 18—Big Growth
Friday’s rally as the Sun made a supportive trine aspect to Pluto could continue into Monday as the Sun advanced to trine Jupiter on Sunday afternoon.
The favorable connection among these three planets is among the best for identifying great success. With last week’s three retrogrades putting pressure on the S&P 500, the Sun/Jupiter strength could provide a final pop in what I consider to be a dead-cat bounce.
Monday’s reports include:
- Sunday 7:50 pm Japan GDP
- 4:00 pm US Crop Progress
Wednesday, May 20—Money Worries
The Sun a new sign, Gemini, at 9:49 am on Wednesday, May 20. Gemini is the sign that rules trading and stock indexes, so the stock market might get a little bump higher as the energy shifts into that wheelhouse.
However, that energy shift could be tempered as Venus and Neptune approach their second of three square aspects this year, which is exact at 7:03 pm on Wednesday. A 90-degree aspect between these two planets indicates money difficulties as Neptune wants to dissolve what Venus, ruler of money, represents.
On the first pass (exact late Sunday, May 3), Warren Buffett had just announced on Saturday that he’d sold all his airline stock holdings, news that pressured the market on Monday. Expect news around these themes to surface again on Wednesday and Thursday this week. The final, third square aspect occurs on July 27, when these type of issues could resolve.
Note that the Fed releases minutes of its April 28-29 meeting at 2 pm Wednesday. It announced on April 29 that it would leave interest rates unchanged at 0.00%-0.25%, and the S&P 500 rallied to a high of 2954. That high was tested on May 12 with a high of 2945 and slightly surpassed on Monday (May 18) with a high of 2968.
High in Gold on Wednesday, May 20—Similar to the setup when gold peaked on April 23, the transiting Moon and Uranus are 120 degrees away (trine) the market’s first-trade Sun. Also supportive is that the transiting Sun is at 0 degrees of Gemini. Transiting Venus and Mercury are opposite the market’s first-trade Mars. Upside resistance in the June contract could appear at the planetary conversion levels of $1761 per oz. and $1783; if surpassed, then $1868 is the next stop.
Wednesday’s reports include:
- 4:30 am Great Britain CPI
- 8:30 am Canada CPI
- 10:30 am US EIA Petroleum Status
- 2:00 pm US FOMC minutes (April 28-29 meeting)
Friday, May 22—New Ideas
Ideas are in the air on Friday, May 22 as Mercury and its ruling sign of Gemini are highlighted in the sky.
Mercury in Gemini conjoins money planet Venus retrograde at 4:41 am for a rehash of money issues. At 11:43 am, though, Mercury is square Neptune, so beware deception about any type of messages you’re hearing.
An overarching theme for the day is that responsible leaders could be articulating new ideas as the Sun in Gemini trines Saturn in Aquarius at 8:02 am. The new ideas are emphasized when the Sun and Moon conjoin at 1:39 pm, forming a New Moon when it is ideal to set new intentions regarding communications.
High in Crude Oil on Friday, May 22—The New Moon in Gemini forms a tight, tension-filled triangle with the market’s first-trade Pluto and Neptune. This is an out-of-the-ordinary connection, but can be powerful. In addition, transiting Mars makes an easy trine with the market’s first-trade Moon and Saturn. In July crude oil, $35.68 per barrel could be the planetary price conversion resistance.
Can you help me find Brent crude first-trade data? I’d like to switch my ongoing analysis to ICE Brent crude oil futures from WTI at NYMEX, but need a definitive first-trade date and time to conduct my astrological research before I do. All I know right now is that the current active Brent contract at ICE launched in London at the International Petroleum Exchange in June 1988. Many thanks in advance for any data or leads on where I might find Brent crude’s launch information. Please email
High in Euro FX on Friday, May 22—The New Moon in Gemini is conjunct the market’s first-trade Sun, while transiting Mars is exactly aligned with the market’s first-trade Moon. These connections are significant because they are with the two most important planets in any horoscope chart. In the June contract, look for resistance at the planetary price conversion level of 1.1007.
Low in Soybeans on Friday, May 22—In one of the year’s most significant set-ups with the soybean market’s first-trade horoscope, transiting Venus and Mercury are aligned with the soybean market’s important Moon/Jupiter axis, while transiting Uranus is exactly aligned with the market’s second important axis of Uranus/Venus. Meanwhile, the New Moon is trine to the market’s first-trade Mercury. July beans closed 3 cents below the planetary price conversion level of $8.38 per bu. on Thursday; the next conversion level lower is $7.98.
High in 10-yr. T-note on Friday, May 22—Three transiting planets—Sun, Moon, and Saturn—are strongly connected to the natal Mercury corner of the market’s first-trade “mystic rectangle” formation. In addition, transiting Mars is working well with the market natal Jupiter, while Venus and Mercury are working easily with the market’s natal Saturn and Pluto. In the June contract, prices are between two planetary price conversion levels—136-08 and 143-07.
Friday’s reports include:
- Thursday 7:30 pm Japan CPI
- 3:00 am France PMI Composite Flash
- 3:30 am Germany PMI Composite Flash
- 4:00 am Eurozone PMI Composite Flash
- 8:30 am Canada Retail Sales
- 3:00 pm US Cattle on Feed
Thursday, May 28—Compassionate Words
The afternoon trade on Thursday, May 28 could see a downshift after 2:09 pm, which is when Mercury enters the sign of Cancer. Mercury, which rules trading, stock indexes and communications, is leaving its ruling sign of Gemini where it is strong and entering a sign that it perceives as just so-so. Instead of being quick as quick can be in Gemini, Mercury in Cancer is asked to slow down and be a bit more thoughtful and caring.
Thursday’s reports include:
- Wednesday 9:30 pm Australia Private New Capital Expenditure & Expected Expenditure
- 5:00 am Eurozone EC Economic Sentiment
- 8:00 am Germany CPI
- 8:30 am US Durable Goods Orders
- 8:30 am US GDP
- 8:30 am US Jobless Claims
- 11:00 am US EIA Petroleum Status

April Review–Market Rallies on Bad News
Wednesday, April 15 was this month’s Top Red Letter Trading because of the Sun’s squares with Pluto and Jupiter. That represented tension among leaders (Sun) on issues of how to transform business and government (Pluto) as well as the enormity of the problem and legal authority to do something about it (Jupiter).
Indeed, those issues were in the news at that time, but it did not phase the S&P 500, which has just entered the bottom of my projected rally zone between 2791 and 2933, two traditional percentage retracement levels that sandwiched three planetary-generated resistance levels.
On April 14, with the Sun square Pluto; (1) an IMF report said the world was in recession and projected a decline of 3% in 2020, the worst since the Great Depression, vs. its January projection of a 3.3% rise; (2) the United States threatened to stop funding the World Health Organization; and (3) state governors were resisting federal authority over lockdowns. On April 15, with the Sun square Jupiter: (1) retail sales in March were reported to have dropped a record 8.7%; and (2) the IEA said global oil demand could be down 29 mbd in April; May crude oil futures traded at negative prices for the first time in history five days later.
All information in this newsletter is merely the personal opinion of the author and not that of any other person, company or entity. This information is not to be construed as financial advice, nor relied upon as such. Please contact your broker or financial advisor for trading and investment advice. Past results are not necessarily indicative of future market behavior.
© Copyright 2020 SusanGSays LLC