By Susan Abbott Gidel
May 31, 2020 (All times Eastern)
This year’s summer solstice on June 20—when the Sun is at 00 Cancer—is extra important this year because it is followed by a solar eclipse—when the Moon blocks the light of the Sun from reaching Earth—just hours later at the same zodiac degree. This is only the second time since 1900 that these two events have occurred at 00 degrees of a Cardinal sign (Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn), each of which is considered a “world point.”
That’s why Monday, June 22 is this month’s Top Red Letter Trading Day. The summer solstice by itself is a “change of trend” Gann Day, and the eclipse only heightens the possibility of significant, market-changing news. So, come in early from Father’s Day celebration on Sunday, June 21 to watch how markets open for the week that evening.
World Points and Eclipses
Anytime a planet in the sky passes one of the world points, it is a big deal as it brings attention to how that planet’s transit could affect the entire world. To have a solar eclipse—one of the most significant of astrological phenomena—occur at a world point says to watch closely for the rise of world-changing events. Indeed, the only other solar eclipse at a world point occurred on June 21, 2001, less than three months before the 9/11 terrorist attacks.
This solar eclipse is part of a family of eclipses that occur every 18 years and share similar characteristics in the types of events that occur. This eclipse family is known to be a difficult one that features restriction, inhibition, restraint, separation and illusions; it blocks individuals and makes them prone to misjudging the situation.
Dates of previous eclipses in this family, and their nearby events include:
- April 28,1930—Pluto discovered 2/18; Motion Picture Code limits sex, violence
- May 9, 1948—State of Israel formed five days later
- May 20, 1966—US bombs Hanoi; Pres. Johnson says will stay until we win
- May 30, 1984—AIDS virus discovered in April
- June 10, 2002—Department of Homeland Security formed in November
Other June Astrological Influences
The solar eclipse at the summer solstice is an outlier for another reason as well. It is sandwiched between two lunar eclipses—on the Full Moons of June 5 and July 5. More typical is that the solar and lunar eclipses come in a pair twice a year rather than a trio.
The June 5 lunar eclipse is not as harsh as the solar eclipse two weeks later. In Sagittarius, the Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse highlights good fortune and enthusiasm. Interestingly, the July 5 lunar eclipse is associated with independence and freedom; it occurs one day after the U.S. Independence Day, and has special implications for the country because of its close connection to the U.S. natal Sun. (More about that in next month’s overview newsletter.)
In this era of coronavirus, the June/July eclipses likely highlight news and events associated with the pandemic. Another astrological signature present throughout most of June adds to that likelihood.
Mars and Neptune are aligned in the sign of Pisces for most of June, and make their exact conjunction on June 13, in between the June 5 lunar eclipse and the June 21 solar eclipse. Their conjunction puts the focus on sickness and deceptive actions, particularly because Mars rules epidemics and Neptune rules obscure or hard-to-diagnose diseases.
This month’s dates of astrological note include:
- June 5 Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse
- June 18 Mercury turns retrograde through July 12
- June 20 Sun enters Cancer (summer solstice)
- June 21 New Moon/Solar Eclipse
- June 23 Neptune turns retrograde through November 28
- June 25 Venus turns direct in motion
- June 27 Mars enters Aries (ruling sign)
This month’s dates for potential market trend changes, based on planetary connections to natal first-trade horoscope charts, include:
Crude Oil
- No significant potential trend-changing aspects in June
Euro FX
- Highs on June 12, June 29
- Lows on June 4, June 16
- Highs on June 2, June 30
- Low on June 17
- High on June 8
- Low on June 29
S&P 500
- High on June 1
- Low on June 22
10-year T-note
- High on June 26
- Low on June 8
For the first week of June, the following markets could change trend based on how the planets in the sky are connecting with their first-trade horoscope charts. I’m including these outlooks here because none of these potential turns happen on one of the overarching Red Letter Trading Days.
High in S&P 500 on Monday, June 1—The position of the Sun and Saturn in the S&P 500 launch horoscope are significantly activated from transits often seen at market peaks. First, transiting Mars is exactly aligned with the market’s natal Sun. Second, transiting Sun and Venus are both opposite first-trade Saturn, with Venus opposite to the degree. Also active that day is an opposition from the transiting Moon to the natal Moon, as well as an easy trine from transiting Mercury to natal Mercury and Venus. Potential resistance areas, based on planetary price conversions, include 3058, 3124-3134, and end-of-cycle 3223.
High in Gold on Tuesday, June 2—Gold prices could peak as transiting Mars is exactly aligned with the market’s most optimistic planet, Jupiter. In supporting roles are that the Sun and Venus are opposite the market’s first-trade Mars, with Venus opposite to the degree. Finally, transiting Mercury is opposite the market’s natal Sun and trine to natal Uranus; the Moon is conjunct natal Uranus. In August gold, $1783 per oz. is the end-of-cycle planetary conversion level. The next stop higher is $1868.
Low in Euro FX on Thursday, June 4—Three transiting planets—Mercury, Uranus and the Moon—form a tight, tension-filled triangle with the market’s first-trade Pluto position that could be a powerful trigger. Meanwhile, the Sun and Venus make an easy trine to the market natal Uranus, which emphasizes the potential for surprise. The June contract could find support at the planetary conversion level of 1.0980.
Red Letter Trading Days for June 2020
Wednesday, June 3—Back to Reality
Venus, the planet that rules money, is in the spotlight on Wednesday, June 3 for three reasons. First, Venus makes a 90-degree aspect to Mars at 8:41 pm Tuesday, creating tension between actions that require unlimited funds (Mars in Pisces) and reflective discussion about the appropriate funding levels (Venus retrograde in Gemini).
Second, Venus comes back to within the Sun’s outer limits of travel, and so is no longer out-of-bounds and prone to behaving in extreme or uncontrollable ways. Venus became out-of-bounds on April 3, six days before the Fed unveiled a $2.3 trillion bond-buying program.
Finally, the Sun is exactly aligned with Venus at 1:44 pm on Wednesday in the sign of Gemini, which rules trading, commerce, short-term travel and communications. This connection focuses leaders on expressing the true reality of what is valuable, taking inspiration from a reflection on previous financial decisions to support certain values.
Wednesday’s reports include:
- Tuesday 8:30 pm Hong Kong PMI
- Tuesday 8:30 pm Japan PMI Composite
- Tuesday 9:30 pm Australia GDP
- Tuesday 9:30 pm Australia Merchandise Trade
- Tuesday 9:45 pm China General Services PMI
- 4:30 am Great Britain CIPS/PMI Services Index
- 10:00 am Bank of Canada announcement
- 10:30 am US EIA Petroleum Status
Friday, June 5—Spotlight on Confusion
The headliner on Friday, June 5 is the Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse that is exact at 3:12 pm, going into the week’s stock market close. Any full moon brings what it touches to light, and this one is in the sign of Sagittarius, seeker of truth on an international basis. Add in the eclipse factor, and the odds rise for unexpected, important events to gain attention.
However, the full moon—where the Sun and Moon are opposite one another in the sky—also creates what is known as a T-square formation with Mars and Neptune in the sky, as both the Sun and Moon are at 90-degree angles. Mars and Neptune are gaining strength as they move toward an exact conjunction on Saturday, June 13. In a conjunction, they signify sickness, weariness and deception. Interestingly, Mars rules epidemics (along with Pluto) while Neptune rules hard-to-diagnose diseases.
Thus, the full moon/eclipse T-square could spur a contentious rally for truth around the world about the coronavirus and its effects on people and the global economy. Indeed, note that the Fed meets next Tuesday/Wednesday and is under the influence of both the full moon/eclipse and the Mars/Neptune conjunction.
A more fleeting (and less influential) transit on Friday is that Mercury in Cancer is sextile Uranus in Taurus at 7:05 am. This connection suggests being on alert to take advantage of an online trading opportunity, particularly in the food or FX markets, those represented by Cancer and Taurus.
Two markets could make highs on Monday, June 8 based on the connection between the planets in the sky and their respective first-trade horoscopes:
High in Soybeans on Monday, June 8—The first-trade horoscope of soybean futures has six of 10 planets in three axes (across the chart from one another) to the degree, which is stunning all by itself. On Monday, June 8, each of these three axes are being activated by transiting planets to those same degrees! (1) Transiting Sun is exactly conjunct the first-trade Moon and opposite Jupiter; (2) transiting Mars is exactly conjunct first-trade Saturn and opposite Neptune; and (3) transiting Uranus is exactly conjunct first-trade Uranus and opposite Venus. Based on planetary conversion levels, look for resistance in the July contract at $8.87 per bu., then $9.03-$9.12, with a strong level at $9.38.
Low in 10-yr. T-notes on Monday, June 8—Six out of 10 transiting planets are aspecting the sensitive first-trade Moon in the 10-yr. T-note horoscope—transiting Moon, Jupiter and Pluto are 120 degrees away; the Sun is in a 90-degree square; Mars and Neptune are 180 degrees away. In addition, the market’s first-trade Saturn is receiving aspects from five transiting planets—Sun is trine at 120 degrees; the Moon, Jupiter and Pluto are in a 90-degree square; and Mars is a tension-filled 150 degrees away. In the September contract, the first planetary price conversion level that could offer support is 136-08.
Friday’s reports include:
- 8:30 am US Employment Situation
- 8:30 am Canada Labour Force Survey
Thursday, June 11—Confusion
Confusion reigns from Thursday into the weekend as the planet Neptune is the featured planet in the sky. On Thursday at 5:37 am, the Sun makes a tension-filled 90-degree square to Neptune, indicating that leaders (Sun) are either confused and/or deceptive (Neptune).
On Saturday morning, Mars and Neptune are exactly aligned in Pisces. This not only portends deceptive (Neptune) actions (Mars), but also is a signature of sickness and weariness as Neptune saps energy from Mars.
S&P 500 comment
I am as befuddled as anyone about how the S&P 500 keeps rallying in the face of grim economic and social news. As you know, I have been writing about the severe pressure from this year’s alignment of Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto for months. In addition, I have been expecting the trio of retrogrades from Saturn, Venus and Jupiter in mid-May to provide additional pressure. Two comments on both:
- The Venus/Jupiter retrograde overlap period does not end until June 24. In the last 50 years, the S&P has ended such an overlap anywhere from up 1% to down 11% from where it started. This year, that starting point is the close on May 14, at 2852.50.
- The three highs so far this week have all respected the powerful end-of-cycle planetary conversion level of 3213-3223. Similar end-of-cycle levels put in the tops in 1987, 1999 and 2015.
Euro FX high on Friday, June 12—The currency could make a high as three planets—Moon, Mars and Neptune—are aligned with the market’s first-trade Jupiter. In addition, the transiting Sun is at a 90-degree angle to Jupiter. These four planets in those relationships, put pressure on Jupiter’s expansiveness. In the June contract, Wednesday’s high of 1.14240 could remain resistance as it is just beyond the planetary price conversion levels of 1.13600-1.13800; the next planetary conversion level higher is 1.16200.
Euro FX low on Tuesday, June 16—I know it’s just two trading days later, but Euro FX could make a low as money planet Venus is directly opposite the market’s first-trade Pluto, while transiting Mars is now exactly aligned with Jupiter. For support areas in nearby futures, the same planetary price conversion levels of 1.13600-1.13800 apply, with the next one lower at 1.11700.
Gold low on Wednesday, June 17—The transiting Moon and Mercury are activating the market’s first-trade Sun and Mercury from two different angles. The Moon (and Uranus) are 120 degrees away, while Mercury is 180 degrees away. In addition, the Moon and Mercury form a “yod” to the degree with the gold market’s natal Mars. In August gold, look for support at the planetary price conversion level of $1732 per oz., then $1726 and $1719.
Thursday’s reports include:
- 8:30 am US Jobless Claims
- 8:30 am US PPI-FD
- 12:00 pm USDA Crop Production
Thursday, June 18—Review Time
There’s still time to backup your computer on Wednesday night, before Mercury turns retrograde at 12:59 am Thursday for a three-week stint through July 12. Mercury rules trading, stock indexes, and communications, and is not working up to snuff when it is appearing to move backward in the sky. So, double-check online orders and daily trading statements to prevent any miscommunications that could appear more frequently under the Mercury retrograde.
Building through the trading day is a 60-degree connection between bad boys Mars and Pluto, which becomes exact at 7:08 pm Thursday. These two planets together might be up to no good, but no matter, what they provide the opportunity to take action that can create powerful change.
Thursday’s reports include:
- Wednesday 6:45 pm New Zealand GDP
- Wednesday 9:30 pm Australia Labour Force Survey
- 2:00 am Great Britain Retail Sales
- 3:30 am Switzerland SNB Monetary Policy Assessment
- 7:00 am Bank of England announcement and minutes
- 8:30 am US Jobless Claims
- 8:30 am US Philadelphia Fed Business Outlook Survey
Monday, June 22—World Difficulties
Monday, June 22 is this month’s Top Red Letter Trading Day because it is the first trading day after the summer solstice on Saturday and a New Moon/Solar Eclipse on Sunday. Both occurred at the “world point” of 00 Cancer, a sensitive degree for world affairs.
It is rare for an eclipse to occur at one of the world points, (zero degrees of Aries, Cancer, Libra or Capricorn). This is just the second one since 1900; the previous one also was at 00 Cancer on June 21, 2001—less than three months before the world-changing 9/11 attacks. This eclipse’s meaning is one of restriction, inhibition, restraint and illusion, which certainly seem to reflect the current pandemic environment worldwide.
The eclipse connects with the natal horoscope of the Federal Reserve in ways that signal not only its world power, but also energy for massive debt expansion. Please read my blog post, “Eclipse Spotlights Fed as Key World Player,” for more details.
The summer solstice also is a “Gann Day,” one of 10 each year that W.D. Gann pinpointed as watching for a potential change in trend. Indeed, the transiting planets vs. the S&P 500 first-trade horoscope chart call for a potential low.
S&P 500 low on Monday, June 22—Pleasant, easy trines from the luminaries to the three most important planets in the first-trade horoscope chart provide support two days ahead of the final overlap day between retrograde Venus and Jupiter, which also could lift pressure on the market. The easy trines include the Moon and Mercury 120 degrees away from the Sun, while the transiting Sun is trine to the market’s first-trade Mercury and Venus. Support exists at the end-of-cycle planetary price conversion levels of 2853-2863.
Monday’s reports include:
- 10:00 am US Existing Home Sales
Tuesday, June 23—Review Vision
Neptune joins five other planets when it turns retrograde at 12:31 am on Tuesday, June 23, adding emphasis to the already strong direction to take a step back and review what has been going on since mid-May.
Neptune is in its ruling sign of Pisces, so its review (through November 28, when it turns direct in motion) focuses on vision for the future, spiritual beliefs and deception. Neptune also rules crude oil, so turning retrograde could put the $20 per barrel rally since the April lows up for review and reconsideration.
Tuesday’s reports include:
- Monday 8:30 pm Japan PMI Composite Flash
- 3:15 am France PMI Composite Flash
- 3:30 am Germany PMI Composite Flash
- 4:00 am Eurozone PMI Composite Flash
- 4:30 am Great Britain CIPS/PMI Composite Flash
- 9:45 am US PMI Composite Flash
- 10:00 am US New Home Sales
Thursday, June 25—Money Relief
The planet that rules money, Venus, turns direct in motion at 2:48 am on Thursday, June 25, which could bring a sign of relief to the markets. Still, five other planets remain retrograde and slacking off on their duties—Mercury (communications), Jupiter (expansion), Saturn (restriction), Neptune (vision) and Pluto (transformation.
The S&P 500 ended its Venus/Jupiter retrograde overlap period (May 14-June 24) with a gain of 6.9%. Over the last 50 years when both these planets have been retrograde simultaneously, the S&P ended the overlap period up less than 1% or down as much as 11%. So, certainly unexpected from my point of view. Stay tuned for my July overview newsletter when I’ll have had time to mull this over a bit.
10-yr. T-note high on Friday, June 26—Both significant axes in the first-trade horoscope chart for this market are activated by transiting planets in the sky. The tightest (and more significant) connection is with transiting Mars exactly conjunct first-trade Venus and opposite first-trade Mars. In addition, transiting Venus is aligned with the Mercury/Uranus axis. In the September contract, prices are between two areas of planetary price conversion levels, with 136-08 on the downside and 142-07 to 143-08 on the upside.
Thursday’s reports include:
- Wednesday 6:45 pm New Zealand Merchandise Trade
- 8:30 am US Durable Goods Orders
- 8:30 am US GDP
- 8:30 am US International Trade in Goods
- 8:30 am US Jobless Claims
- 3:00 pm USDA Hogs & Pigs
Monday, June 29—Make a Plan
Since the markets closed on Friday afternoon, the cosmos has picked up a gear. Action-taker Mars entered its ruling sign of Aries on Saturday night, and then almost immediately made an opportunistic connection with taskmaster Saturn early Sunday. It is definitely time to move forward, and best if you do it with a plan in hand, as organized Saturn prefers.
Get used to the aggressive energy of Mars in Aries, the warrior who wants what it wants when it wants it. It will be in this sign until January 7, 2021 due to a two-month retrograde in the fall. Normally, Mars spends about six weeks in one sign. This year, it is a full six months.
Soybean low on Monday, June 29—Mars, having just entered the sign of Aries, is the featured planet as it is opposite the soybean market’s first-trade Mercury. Meanwhile transiting Venus is square the market’s natal Mars, while the transiting Sun and Mercury are square to the first-trade Sun. In November beans, look for support at the planetary price conversion level of $8.38 per bu.
Monday’s reports include:
- Sunday 7:30 pm Japan Unemployment Rate
Tuesday, June 30—Big Money
Big money could be in the works as Jupiter and Pluto conjoin for the second of three passes this year at 1:46 am Tuesday, June 30. They last were conjunct on April 4, and five days later the Fed introduced its $2.3 trillion bond buying program. During this retrograde conjunction, that program could come under review. This was the month’s Honorary Top Red Letter Trading Day, second only to the summer solstice/eclipse as most astrologically significant in June.
Gold high on Tuesday, June 30—The gold market’s first-trade Sun is stimulated today in a culminating way as the transiting Sun and Mercury are directly opposite. The transiting Moon is exactly 60 degrees away, and transiting Uranus is exactly 120 degrees away. Adding some weight is the Jupiter and Pluto are both at 24 degrees of Capricorn, just 2 degrees away from the market’s natal Venus. If August gold can definitively surpass the end-of-cycle planetary price conversion of $1783 per oz., the next such significant resistance occurs at $1868.
Tuesday’s reports include:
- Monday 7:50 pm Japan Industrial Production
- 2:45 am France CPI
- 5:00 am Eurozone HICP Flash
- 5:00 am Italy CPI
- 8:30 am Canada Monthly GDP
- 10:00 am US Consumer Confidence
- 12:00 pm USDA Acreage
- 12:00 pm USDA Grain Stocks
May Review–Retrograde Fail

Wednesday, May 13 was the month’s Top Red Letter Trading Day for two reasons: (1) Venus, the planet that rules money, turned retrograde in motion; and (2) it was hump day for the week’s three retrogrades that include Saturn on Monday and Jupiter on Thursday. Venus, Jupiter and Saturn are all planets related to the economy and money.
I fully expected these three retrogrades in a single week to put stiff pressure on the stock market, especially given that Venus and Jupiter were to be retrograde simultaneously.
This is the 14th time in the last 50 years that Venus and Jupiter are retrograde at the same time. In the previous 13 instances—ranging from 1 day of overlap to 41 days of overlap—the S&P 500 was higher by less than 1% (2010 over 41 days) to lower by 11.28% (1986 over 23 days).
Instead, the S&P 500 made a low at 2766 the day that Jupiter turned retrograde and rallied 22% over the next two weeks to a high of 3068 on May 28. Of course, the jury is still out. The Venus/Jupiter retrograde overlap does not end until June 24.
All information in this newsletter is merely the personal opinion of the author and not that of any other person, company or entity. This information is not to be construed as financial advice, nor relied upon as such. Please contact your broker or financial advisor for trading and investment advice. Past results are not necessarily indicative of future market behavior.
© Copyright 2020 SusanGSays LLC