(All times Eastern)
There’s nothing like breath-taking downside volatility to usher in a new month of trading activity. The last trading week of February recorded the worst week of stock market performance—down 11.49% for the S&P 500; down 12.1% for the DJIA from Friday close to Friday close—since during the 2008 financial crisis.
For my latest thoughts on how last week’s action fits into the big picture of the 45-year Saturn/Uranus square that arrives in February 2021, please read my blog post, “Coronavirus Hits Stock Market at Critical Turning Point.”
Astrologically, a breath of fresh air occurs on Wednesday, March 4 as retrograde Mercury enters Aquarius, a more idea-generating sign, while money planet Venus enters its ruling sign of Taurus. However, Venus also is at a 90-degree angle to Saturn, which may restrict the execution of any new, bright ideas that could be market supportive. Indeed, the transiting planets suggest a rebound in the S&P 500 could peak on March 3—the day before the index’s birthday, and the day when voters go to the polls in 14 states to award 40% of political convention delegates on Super Tuesday.
Mercury turns direct in motion on Monday, March 9, which may lead to less confusion for the markets to digest, be it the status of the coronavirus or its economic impact.
Both Mars and Saturn enter the sign of Aquarius in the last half of the month. Saturn on March 21, two days after the spring equinox; Mars on March 30. Together, these two planets can not only cook up inventive, creative plans, but also execute them.
March 24 Top Red Letter Trading Day
This day won out as this month’s top day due to two astrological reasons: (1) the New Moon in Aries; and (2) the powerful connection between Jupiter/Pluto/Mars in Capricorn and money planet Venus in Taurus.
Any new moon signals a fresh start, but the New Moon in Aries is supercharged with go-getter energy because it is in the sign ruled by Mars. At the same time, three forceful planets—Mars, Jupiter and Pluto—are within two degrees of each other in the sign of Capricorn, all of them in an easy trine (120 degrees) to money planet Venus in its ruling sign of Taurus. Indeed, Venus makes an exact trine with both Jupiter and Pluto on March 28. This connection portends throwing an excessive amount of money at a big problem.
Friday, March 20 was a close second for this month’s Top Red Letter Trading Day because: (1) the spring equinox, when the Sun enters the cardinal sign of Aries, occurs on March 19 at 11:50 pm; (2) it is one of 10 days each year that W.D. Gann watched as a change-of-trend day; (3) it is quadruple witching day in the stock and equity derivatives markets; and (4) Mars and Jupiter are aligned in Capricorn, portending huge trading volume.
This month’s dates of astrological note include:
- March 4 Mercury retrograde enters Aquarius
- March 4 Venus enters Taurus
- March 9 Full Moon in Virgo
- March 9 Mercury turns direct in motion
- March 16 Mercury enters Pisces
- March 19 Spring Equinox, Sun enters Aries
- March 21 Saturn enters Aquarius
- March 24 New Moon in Aries
- March 30 Mars enters Aquarius
This month’s dates for potential market trend changes include:
Crude Oil
- High on March 18
- Low on March 24
Euro FX
- Highs on March 11 and March 31
- Highs on March 3, March 20
- Low on March 26
- Lows on March 9, March 24
S&P 500
- High on March 3
- Low on March 18
10-year T-note
- High on March 25
- Low on March 18
Red Letter Trading Days for March 2020
Tuesday, March 3—Money Restrained
Money planet Venus squares off with Saturn at 11:44 am on Tuesday, March 3 and could put a damper on any forward movement that Venus would like to make in terms of spending. So, watch carefully for signs that strength during morning trading hours could fade into the afternoon.
High in Gold—Gold prices should get a lift as the transiting Sun aligns with the futures contract’s natal Jupiter, which is typically a positive transit in any horoscope chart. Indeed, the recent market peak of $1691.70 per oz. in April gold occurred the day that the transiting Moon was conjunct natal Jupiter.
Also supportive is that transiting Mercury (retrograde) is back at 00 Pisces. Prices peaked at $1598.50 on February 3 when Mercury first hit 00 Pisces; it’s final pass to that degree is on Monday, March 16.
After last Friday’s $75 drop due to spillover from equity margin calls, April gold found support at the important Moon conversion level of $1573 by bottoming at $1564.00 and finding yesterday’s low at $1576.30 then closing at $1590.20. Three planetary price conversion levels exist between $1688 and $1694, the area of the recent high. In between, conversion levels to watch include $1629 and $1651.
High in S&P 500—Get out the birthday cake and candles for the Standard & Poor’s 500 index, which could celebrate with a high the day before it turns 63. Not only is the transiting Sun at the same degree (13 Pisces) as when the index was launched in 1957, but also transiting Mercury matches its degree of 00 Pisces in the natal horoscope.
Last week’s low of 2855.84 was in between the important end-of-cycle Venus/Sun price conversion levels of 2853-2863. The Venus/Sun levels marked the highs in 1987, 1999 and 2015 as well as the lows in 2015 and 2016. The Venus/Sun levels one cycle higher stand at 3213-3223, the level broken to the downside just seven days ago, on Tuesday, February 25.
Tuesday’s reports include:
- Monday 10:30 pm Australia RBA Announcement
- 1:45 am Switzerland GDP
- 5:00 am Eurozone HICP Flash
Wednesday, March 4—New Money Ideas
Mercury, the planet that rules trading and communications, is in its last week of retrograde motion, where it is on vacation and not paying too much attention to any of the details. However, it enters its most favorite sign of Aquarius at 6:08 am Wednesday, where it can be brilliant and think outside the box. This is welcome relief from being in Pisces, where everything is fuzzy and cloudy. So, even though retrograde, there could be an uptick in new solutions.
After gaining in strength throughout the trading day, Mercury makes a 60-degree aspect to money planet Venus in very late Aries at 4:24 pm. This is the money planet’s last chance to be aggressive, and it could work well with Mercury to hit on that one last bright idea that could make all the difference.
Wednesday’s reports include:
- Tuesday 7:30 pm Japan PMI Composite
- Tuesday 7:30 pm Australia GDP
- Tuesday 8:45 pm China General Services PMI
- 2:30 am Switzerland CPI
- 4:00 am Italy GDP
- 4:30 am Great Britain CIPS/PMI Services Index
- 5:00 am Eurozone Retail Sales
- 10:00 am Bank of Canada announcement
- 10:30 am US EIA Petroleum Status Report
Thursday, March 5—Money Maker
Bullish support could continue on Thursday, March 5 as Venus enters Taurus on Wednesday at 10:07 pm. Venus rules money, and it rules Taurus, so it is very happy to be back in its own sign, providing Taurean stability and security.
Thursday’s reports include:
- Wednesday 7:30 pm Australia Merchandise Trade
- 8:30 am US Jobless Claims
Monday, March 9—Bills Come Due
The cost of battling coronavirus could take center stage on Monday, March 9 following two significant cosmic events. The Full Moon in Virgo at 1:48 pm Monday could put a big spotlight on health-related issues and their accompanying detaills as that is Virgo’s bailiwick.
The monetary overlay comes from the conjunction of Venus and Uranus in Taurus on Sunday afternoon. Venus is the ruler of Taurus, where it seeks financial stability and security. But, monetary surprises (good or bad) can occur while aligned with Uranus.
Also note that on Sunday, the Sun and Neptune were conjunct in Neptune’s ruling sign of Pisces. One interpretation of this connection is to highlight spiritual leaders and healing. However, another is to focus on the connection between leaders and diseases that that have no boundaries and are hard to pin down.
Monday’s reports include:
- Sunday 6:50 pm Japan GDP
- 8:15 am Canada Housing Starts
Tuesday, March 10—Moving Forward
As Monty Python fans might sing: “Always look on the bright side of life.” Despite today’s multiple-market mayhem, Mercury turns direct in motion at 11:49 pm Monday. Yay! About time that the planet ruling stock indexes, trading and communication gets back from vacation.
The good news is that all planets are direct in motion now through April 24, the longest stretch of the year. Overall, that means projects can hum and move along nicely over the next few weeks with minimal disruption or glitches. Hopefully, that applies to coronavirus news and containment as well.
P.S. Note from the March overview email sent at the beginning of the month that I’m looking for three market turns on March 18–lows in S&P 500 and 10-yr. T-notes; high in crude oil–a long, seven trading days away given that the S&P high on February 19 was just 13 trading days ago.
Tuesday’s reports include:
- Monday 8:30 pm China CPI
- 12:00 pm US Crop Production
Wednesday, March 11—Optimistic Leaders
All could feel right with the world on Wednesday, March 11 as the Sun and Jupiter take the opportunity to play nice together. Their 60-degree aspect is exact at 8:27 am, just three minutes before the U.S. Consumer Price Index report for February. Expect the report to be seen as economically optimistic—or at least spun that way from leaders.
Big-Picture Outlook
I saw a quote in today’s Wall Street Journal that lit a lightbulb above my head in terms of how to describe my big-picture outlook.
“The 11-year bull market is over,” said Peter Cecchini, the chief market strategist at Cantor Fitzgerald, noting that it isn’t just about an official 20% drop.
I quite agree. The bull market is over, even though I’m still (barely) reserving judgement on whether we have seen THE high. The market has shown its hand. Now, it’s just a question of when the final, tippy-top high number occurs. And, that, I think we’ll know in just a couple of months.
I have three reasons why I’m still not quite ready to say we’ve seen the tippy-top ultimate or penultimate high in the 45-year Saturn/Uranus cycle (1988-2032): (1) I still see rally potential into early May in the astrological transit charts; (2) no other major poster-child high was set in the month of a monthly key reversal on the price chart; and (3) the Pluto conversion level has never marked a significant market high or low.
For chapter and verse on my opinion of the importance of this time in the stock market, please see my blog post of February 28: Coronavirus Hits Stock Market at Critical Turning Point.
S&P 500 Levels to Watch
Presuming the market continues to correct to the upside, please keep an eye on how it behaves within 5-10 points of the following levels, all derived from the position of the planet(s) noted in the March 4, 1957 natal horoscope of the S&P 500 index. (Monday’s low of 2734 stopped 2 points above the Neptune conversion level of 2732.)
- 3028—Pluto (one cycle lower than 3388, which was 5 points below the record high)
- 3134—Saturn (also near the 61.8% retracement spot of 3141)
- 3213-3223—Venus, Sun (end of cycle; likely particularly stiff resistance)
- 3370-3388—IC, Pluto (return to all-time highs)
- 3573-3583—Venus, Sun (end of cycle; my outside rally expectation)
High in Euro FX on Wednesday, March 11—A corrective rally in Euro FX from Tuesday’s sell-off could peak as the market’s first-trade horoscope chart feels pressure from transiting Venus (ruler of money) conjunct natal Mercury (ruler of trading and commerce) for the first time since April 2018, when it was trading near the Ascendant price conversion level of 1.2530. Also suggesting a peak is that the transiting Sun is conjunct with first-trade Jupiter, a transit that can bring peak expansion. A final damper is that the transiting Moon is opposite the market’s first-trade Venus. Formidable planetary price conversion resistance exists at 1.1360-1.1380.
Wednesday’s reports include:
- 5:30 am Great Britain Monthly GDP
- 8:30 am US CPI
- 10:30 am US EIA Petroleum Status Report
Monday, March 16—Back to Fuzzy
Mercury, the planet that rules communications, trading and stock indexes, is back in the sign of Pisces at 3:42 am Monday. Mercury does not behave well in Pisces, and acts as if it is under constant scrutiny. In Pisces, Mercury’s communications are garbled, fuzzy and misunderstood. The good news, though, is that Mercury moves entirely up to speed again on Thursday, leaving the degrees of its recent retrograde.
This is the last Red Letter Trading Day until Friday, March 20. But, do be aware of the potential for trend changes in three markets on Wednesday, noted below. Also, despite this afternoon’s rate cut, note that the Fed is scheduled to meet on Tuesday/Wednesday and announce meeting results at 2 pm Wednesday.
Monday’s reports include:
- Sunday 10:00 pm China Fixed Asset Investment
- Sunday 10:00 pm China Industrial Production
- Sunday 10:00 pm China Retail Sales
- 6:00 am Italy CPI
Wednesday, March 18
High in Crude Oil—Transiting Moon and Mars join Jupiter and Pluto in making a 90-degree square to the crude oil market’s natal Mars and Pluto, a T-square configuration that often appears at market highs. Venus, however, connects directly with its natal position in the crude oil futures horoscope for the first time since June 2017, when it was making a low in the $42-$45 per barrel range. I give the Moon the nod in which way prices might sway. Look for potential resistance in the May contract at these planetary price conversion levels: $36.90, $37.30 and $38.50.
Low in S&P 500—Although the Moon is back hanging out with Jupiter and Pluto in an easy trine to natal Mars in the S&P 500 horoscope like it was when the record high was set on February 19, the Sun has moved on from its uplifting connection then with natal Mercury and Venus. Now, the Sun is opposite the market’s natal Jupiter, a time when optimism is weak; transiting Saturn is in a helpful trine to Jupiter. All together, there is energy to be uplifting from a depression, hence establishing a low. Given recent volatility, here are several areas of potential support, based on planetary price conversion levels: 2404-2414, 2318-2338, 2283-2290, 2176, and 2133-2143.
Low in 10-yr. T-note—Prices are under pressure with major transits to the market’s natal Sun, Saturn and Pluto. Venus is conjunct the Sun for the first time since June 2017, when the market was making an interim high near 127-000; also suggesting a peak is that transiting Sun is conjunct natal Venus. However, heavyweights Saturn and Pluto are both receiving harsh 90-degree aspects from Mars and Jupiter; Pluto also is squared by the Moon, Saturn and Pluto. In the June contract, potential support, based on planetary price conversion levels, exists at 136-08, 134-06 and 132-03.
Friday, March 20—Forward March!
The Spring Equinox, exact at 11:50 pm Thursday, kicks off a new astrological year as the Sun enters the sign of Aries. It is the time to plant new seeds and move forward with new plans. A new, big, optimistic attitude could also appear as Mars and Jupiter align in Capricorn at 7:35 am on Friday.
Note that the Spring Equinox is one of 10 days each year that W.D. Gann watched for a change in trend, and that it occurs on March expiration day for stock index futures, stock index options, stock options and stock futures, i.e., Quadruple Witching Day. With Mars conjunct Jupiter, expect outsized trading volume.
Friday’s reports include:
- 8:30 am Canada Retail Sales
- 10:00 am US Existing Home Sales
- 3:00 pm US Cattle on Feed
Monday, March 23—Inventive Plans
Be on the lookout for new, creative plans rising to the surface as Saturn entered the sign of Aquarius on Saturday, March 21, where it will stay through June 30 before coming back into Capricorn until the winter solstice. Indeed, my astrological work with the S&P 500 suggests rally potential from early April into early May.
Saturn rules both Capricorn and Aquarius, but delivers a different—yet still steady, responsible—vibe in each sign. In Capricorn, where Saturn has resided since December 2017, it is all about climbing to the top of a professional hill and executing a step-by-step plan to get ahead; it also represents the restrictions on business and government that we have all experienced acutely in the last several days. In Aquarius, Saturn loosens up a bit and lets brilliant, inventive ideas come out to get tested and see if they meet Saturn’s exacting demands.
Supporting the innovation idea is that Mercury made its third and final sextile to Uranus—a combination that suggests surprising news—on Sunday morning. On their first pass, the Senate voted to not impeach the President. On the second pass, Fed Chair Powell announced the Fed would “act as appropriate to support the economy.”
In overnight trading, Mars and Pluto meet at the same degree of Capricorn at 1:21 am. This is a powerful connection between two powerful planets. Pluto in Capricorn is intent on transforming business and government. Mars is extremely strong in Capricorn, and is willing to fight the good fight to make sure that those who need help are defended.
Considering all three of these astrological signatures, it would be entirely in character to see Congress come up with a new, creative plan to greatly (and unexpectedly) support individuals harmed by the public health restrictions surrounding coronavirus.
Stay safe and well, everyone!
No significant reports on Monday.
Tuesday, March 24—Powerful, Fresh Start
This day won out as the month’s top Red Letter Trading Day for two astrological reasons: (1) the New Moon in Aries; and (2) the powerful connection between Jupiter/Pluto/Mars in Capricorn and money planet Venus in Taurus.
Any new moon signals a fresh start, but the New Moon in Aries (exact at 5:28 am) is supercharged with go-getter energy because it is in the sign ruled by Mars. At the same time, three forceful planets—Mars, Jupiter and Pluto—are within two degrees of each other in the sign of Capricorn, all of them in an easy trine (120 degrees) to money planet Venus in its ruling sign of Taurus. Mars is the agitator, while Venus controls the purse strings. Jupiter and Pluto want immense change.
Throwing a Lot of Money at a Big Problem
Indeed, Venus is building strength into an exact trine with both Jupiter and Pluto on Saturday, March 28; Jupiter and Pluto are building their strength into an exact trine a week later, on April 5, with Venus still in range. Here’s what I said about that in my book, “Trading In Sync With Commodities,” two years ago, which is describing our current situation well, I think:
“Jupiter, Venus, and Pluto are working together on April 5 in what appears could be throwing a lot of money at a big problem…Venus, the money planet, is in a trine aspect to both Jupiter and Pluto. This aspect simply greases the skids to accomplish with funding whatever Jupiter and Pluto want to do.”
Therefore, expect Fed and Congressional attempts at stemming an economic/market meltdown to continue into the first weekend of April.
Tuesday’s reports include:
- Monday 8:30 pm Japan PMI Composite Flash
- 4:15 am France PMI Composite Flash
- 4:30 am Great Britain CIPS/PMI Composite Flash
- 4:30 am Germany PMI Composite Flash
- 5:00 am Eurozone PMI Composite Flash
- 9:45 am US PMI Composite Flash
- 10:00 am US New Home Sales
This is the last Red Letter Trading Day newsletter for a week, as the final day this month with overarching transits for all markets is March 31. Still, there are some individual markets that could be reacting to planetary transits, noted below:
Low in Crude Oil on March 24
It’s just a few days from the crude oil futures contract’s birthday on March 30, and both the transiting Sun and Moon (New Moon) are conjunct the market’s natal Sun. Meanwhile, the market’s natal opposition between Mars and Pluto remains in a T-square formation with transiting Mars, Jupiter and Pluto. The March 18 low of $20.52 per barrel should be strong as it just a few pennies about planetary price conversion levels of $20.49 and $20.50. The next levels lower are $20.12 and $20.08.
The lows established at $26.05 in February 2016 and $33.20 in January 2009 were at the conversion levels for the market’s Ascendant, at $26.03 and $33.23, respectively. From current price levels, the Ascendant conversion level one lower is $18.83; the next one higher is $22.43.
Low in Soybeans on March 24
Tuesday’s New Moon is opposite the soybean market’s natal Sun and Mercury, while transiting Mercury is opposite the market’s natal Mars. In a third opposition, transiting Mars, Jupiter, Pluto and Saturn are on the other side of the horoscope from the market’s natal Pluto. The market tends to favor lows when oppositions are prevalent. Monday’s trade in May beans closed above the significant planetary price conversion level of $8.73-$8.75, which could become support on any setback. The next level lower is $8.38.
High in 10-yr. T-note on March 25
Two dueling Grand Trine formations are in conflict between forming a high or low in price. The one connected to the market’s natal Moon (formed by trines from Venus, and Mars/Jupiter/Pluto) that argues for a high wins on March 25 because the other one gets stronger into early April. Beyond the 136-08 level in nearby June, prices are in no-man’s land from a planetary price conversion perspective until 143-07.
Low in Gold on March 26
Three cosmic positions argue for a low in gold. The strongest is the transiting Venus is exactly 120 degrees apart from where it was when gold futures first began trading while Mars, Jupiter and Pluto are aligned with natal Venus. Second is that the Sun is at a 90-degree angle to the market’s natal Sun. Finally, Saturn is at 0 degrees of Aquarius, imparting a new vibe into the cosmos. Now that nearby April broke through the major planetary price conversion level of $1545 per oz. to the upside, that level could provide significant support.
Tuesday, March 31—Busy Bees
Mars, the planet of action, is teaming up with Saturn to execute creative ideas for the long haul as the first quarter comes to an end.
Mars entered the sign of Aquarius at 3:43 pm Monday, leaving its most favorite sign of Capricorn, where it fights the good fight for a good cause. However, Saturn also rules Aquarius and has been in that sign itself for 10 days. On Tuesday at 2:31 pm, Mars and Saturn are conjunct in Aquarius, which makes them a good team to tackle plans and actions that are more out-of-the-box than normal.
High in Euro FX
Five out of 10 planets are activating the Sun and Mars in the Euro FX futures contract’s natal horoscope. Transiting Venus is aligned with both natal planets while Mars, Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto are all in an easy 120-degree trine. In addition, both Mars and Saturn are at 0 degrees of Aquarius, signifying a significant energy to make new things happen in the world. The high on Friday, March 27 of 1.11875 in the June contract was slightly above planetary price conversion of 1.107; the next two conversion levels higher are 1.136-1.138.
Tuesday’s reports include:
- Monday 7:30 pm Japan Unemployment Rate
- Monday 7:50 pm Japan Industrial Production
- 2:45 am France CPI
- 5:00 am Eurozone HICP Flash
- 5:00 am Italy CPI
- 8:30 am Canada Monthly GDP
- 10:00 am US Consumer Confidence
- 12:00 pm US Grain Stocks
- 12:00 pm US Prospective Plantings
February Review – Candidate for 45-Year Cyclical High

Friday, February 21—two days after the S&P 500 set at record high at 3393.52—was the month’s Top Red Letter Trading Day because it included the two strongest transits of the month. But, it was the Moon’s position compared with the natal horoscope of the S&P 500 on the record-setting day that was the scene-stealer.
Given the extraordinary 16% drop from the record high to the following week’s low, the February 19 high is a leading candidate for the ultimate or penultimate high in the 45-year Saturn/Uranus economic cycle (1988-2032) that I have been expecting to occur before the last quarter of the cycle begins in February 2021.
I had highlighted February 21 as a potential market turn in my book, “Trading In Sync With Commodities—Introducing Financial Astrology To Your Financial Toolbox,” published in 2018. I liked the day because an exact trine between Mars and Uranus connected to the market’s natal Venus, a planet often in play at highs, to the degree. In addition, transiting Venus was conjunct the S&P 500’s natal Moon. The other strong transit was a sextile between Jupiter and Neptune.
Note that the S&P 500 jumped over the Venus/Sun price conversion level at 3213-3223 in December 2019, then found support at end-February at the same conversion level one cycle lower, at 2853-2863. The Venus/Sun levels marked market highs in 1987, 1999, and 2015 as well as lows in 2015 and 2016. The current record high is 5 points beyond Pluto’s price conversion level, which converts zodiacal position into price.
All information in this newsletter is merely the personal opinion of the author and not that of any other person, company or entity. This information is not to be construed as financial advice, nor relied upon as such. Please contact your broker or financial advisor for trading and investment advice. Past results are not necessarily indicative of future market behavior.
© Copyright 2020 SusanGSays LLC